: News from NorDDIS


News from NorDDIS

Opening Hours

  • 6 April, 2020

Our opening times are: Tuesday 10am to 4 pm Thursday 10am to 4pm Friday 10am to 4pm Saturday 10am to 1pm Take care and keep safe.

Thinking about volunteering?

  • 4 January, 2016

We now offer trial sessions shadowing existing volunteers.  This gives you a taste of what it is like to be in the team before making any commitment. If you have health issues it is a good opportunity to see how we can accommodate them.  We find that those with disabilities or chronic health issues can make excellent volunteers due to their insight and knowledge. Click here for more information and an application form.


  • 26 April, 2015

If you are planning a break the following information may help. Day Trips and Short Breaks Salisbury Tourist Information (tel 01722 342860) runs two day trips which they have told us are disability-friendly. A coach trip goes from Salisbury to Stonehenge and drivers will help passengers load and unload wheelchairs, which would need to work on a grassy plain.  There are disabled toilets. Salisbury Cathedral has disabled access to most areas. A good online guide to other day trips is available at Accessible Guide.  It is particularly interesting for country house visits and has reviews from other users. A good…


  • 31 January, 2015

In 2019 we would like to thank the following for their help: £500 grant from Gillingham Town Council £1,500 from Tesco’s Community Grant £443 from Waitrose Community Matters In 2018 we would like to thank the following for their help: In May we held a Charity Table Top Sale and raised £46.50. In 2017 we would like to thank the following for their help: In October we received £1000 from Gillingham Town Council. In August we received £58 from the “Jollies” from their July produce sale and coffee morning. I